檔案大小:211 MB
版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。
Looking for the fastest way to find the best flight deal online? FlightsFast compares prices from all airlines and get you to choose the best deal flight.
Comparing with other apps out there, we make it simple for you to search without registrations and emails required that can make the process more lengthy.
Just get in the app, type where you want to go and instantly get best deals for flights and even hotels.
FlightsFast is the app you need for finding and making a last minute booking, travel on the go and just get the job done of finding the best and cheapest prices for flight tickets and hotels.
A convenient app for quick search of the best prices for flights and hotels! Download Travadviser Flightsfast booking and comparison app right now, book and go on a trip!
Save big on hotels and find the perfect flight!
Compare airfares from 1,000+ airlines and find the best deals from 800,000+ hotels in one app!
— All-in-one travel app for the fastest search
— Over a million flights and hotels
— Advanced filters to find YOUR perfect deal
The app is collecting data for accommodation options from the most famous booking platforms such as hotels.com, zenhotels, agoda, Airbnb, booking.com, Expedia, just to name a few and gives you the best budget deals. For flights it does also the same by collecting the best offers from Expedia, mytrip.com, kiwi.com, trip.com and many other major flight booking platforms as well as more than 1000+ airlines.
• Fast search of the best prices for air tickets to find the best and cheapest flights
• Search result filters
• All airlines in one app
• Airline Information
• Tips when flying is more profitable
• Search hotels at the best prices and find budget hotels
• Hotel Details
• Reviews of real guests
• Select hotels on a city map
We do not sell airline tickets, we help you to find the best prices and direct you to the agency or airline website. Using Travadviser - FlightsFast - flights and hotels best deals app, is very convenient and fast!
To find a cheap airline ticket you need to enter the place of departure and landing, select the date and number of people. The app will analyze all possible options and show you the best prices! It is so simple!
Finding hotels is also incredibly easy! Enter the city where you want to stay and press FIND. You can filter the results by price or other parameters, such as rating or breakfast.
So whether you are traveling on a budget, planning a beach trip to Mallorca, taking in a show in Chicago, or enjoying a romantic getaway to Paris, this app has everything you need to get you there in style and save you money on the GO!
Download the Travadviser’s FlightsFast app right now and make sure that finding flights and hotels fast and cheap is real!
Have questions? Visit our website or write us an E-mail.
WEB: https://travadviser.com
E-mail: contact@travadviser.com
支援平台:iPhone, iPad